
Welcome! I'm so glad you came, I mean it. Everyone who visits and comments is cherished :)

So since you're on the 'About Me' page I guess you're wondering who this chick is and what her blog is about right?! Right, let's get on with it then.

Hi, I'm Charlotte. I love the number 7. And 13. I was born in England, and still live there today. It's a magical place filled with polite people who don't honk at you. Most of the time. I like to imagine what life is like inside books. Or what life was like hundreds of years ago. I have blurry eyesight. My favourite thing to write about is life, because everyone can relate to that right?

I'm easily thrilled, excited, scared and shocked. I'm 19 now but that hasn't stopped me from jumping up and down when something wonderful happens. I've apparently been the victim of growing up, which happens to all of us at one point or another. Or so I'm told. It's been happening for quite some time now, without me knowing about it. For some people, it means that you have to act a certain way. You have to be a 'grown up' now. That's not how it is for me. For me, it just means that I can add more things to the list of things I love. Like for example, I still go into a trance when I'm in an antique store, I'm still beyond obsessed with winter and everything that smells like it. I love glitter, and baking and those really old animals that just want a cuddle. I still geek out over Harry Potter and the like. But some new things I've fallen in love with - home made cushions, mismatched chairs, mismatched colours, home made jam, mismatched and home made everything. If I weren't 'growing up', then I wouldn't have them. And they're pretty damn amazing.

My biggest fear is failing. At anything. I knock on wood constantly. If you talk to me about anything that I'm a fan of I'll want to be your best friend immediately. I can't wait to move out. To just have my own kitchen that I can bake in. And to walk around in, I can talk and sing to myself without getting funny looks. I don't think anyone should ever stop learning new things, but that's okay because I don't think you can. Ever.

But most of all, I think that you should live life as it comes. When you have a choice, make sure you make the right decision. Live like you're 80 years old. And no, I don't mean stay in with your cats and a cuppa tea every night; although that isn't a bad idea either. I mean, live like you're 80 and looking back on your life. Your Dad calls you to ask if you want to go for dinner at 10 at night, right now I'd be like 'No, I'm on the laptop!' But when I'm 80? I'm gonna wish I went to dinner with Dad.

Please remember, I LOVE to hear from readers. Whether you comment, read, or are just passing by, I hope I made you smile in one way or another :) I love you guys more than I love fairy lights and the last word. And that's real love.

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